Want to develop and implement creative ideas to change the world?
![]() Follow us live at the event!Tweets by @BhamSusJa*Site content adapted from the global head quarters for the jam. See http://www.globalsustainabilityjam.org/ | What's A Jam?One weekend in November, creative, passionate people will meet, form teams & get to work in an energetic, global, face-to-face event. They'll have fun creating brand-new real-world designs, projects and initiatives which might make a difference... join us! Find out what happens at the jam. Join the JamAre you ready for a challenge? Want to develop and implement creative ideas? Chase a crazy deadline at the same time? Meet cool new people? Design a service, device, or project that could become reality? Make a difference? Have a great time? Jam PartnersThe jam is being run as a part of Start Up Weekend. There will be coaches assisting the teams, and prizes for the most developed and effective project. Learn more at: http://bellingham.startupweekend.org/ In addition, we are supported by Transition Whatcom, an organization dedicated to supporting resiliency and sustainability in Whatcom County. Visit them at: http://transitionwhatcom.ning.com/ Contact UsDrop us a line to learn more about the Jam or just to say hi at: Follow our BlogLearn more about the jam! Get inspired by what inspires us! Submit ideas! |